About Me

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Sewanee, TN
i'm a fan of: good books; a recipe that brings me home; a recipe that surprises me; a hike to a view; a hike to a cove; yoga that makes me feel like a rock star and an idiot at the same time; waking up to NPR; singing while driving; singing in the shower; dancing in the kitchen; watching thunderstorms roll in at home on the coast; nurturing my roots; learning new languages; seeing the world; making the conscious decision every day to be the happiest person I can be.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

roux paperie

New logo for my hand-lettering!
Aahh! It's been forever since I've written! Blogging was my New Years Resolution (rouxvolution) and I've totally flaked out! womp womp.

BUT, does it count if I've been slaving over a new hobby? Like calligraphy and hand-lettering? Because I have, and I love it, and I'm kind of a little bit proud of myself. You know, I've never considered my handwriting to be that good; in fact, a high school teacher once said it gave him vertigo after I submitted an in-class essay. Sorry? But, with the right tools, and a whole lot of patience (Guns N Roses patience), it looks pretty damn good. 

Drafting the text for PKE's graduation party invitations!

Stationery designed for my niece, Carrie
So, I've been loving this hobby, but lately I've been getting a little antsy. The draft pages have literally taken over every surface of my apartment, and, while I love the process of designing text graphics and writing calligraphy, it would be so much more fun to share it with others. In a bout of shameless self-promotion, I contacted my old sorority and asked to design the graduation party invitations for the seniors as well as hand-letter the envelopes (they said yes, so I've begun working on those this week); I posted about calligraphy on Facebook and received inquiries for two wedding invitation jobs, as well as a hand-lettered, framed quotation for a birthday present. Lastly, I've designed a set of 6 stationery cards and envelopes for one of my adorable nieces for her birthday. 

A wall of projects in my kitchen.
 Soon enough, the Etsy shop for roux paperie will be up and running! It's coming along slowly but surely, since I'm in the middle of these projects, but it's a labor of love and excitement. My favorite part is the mailing list I've arranged for close friends and family so I can send test runs of card designs. Who doesn't love snail mail? I dare you to name one thing that makes you feel more singularly loved than a hand-written card addressed to you.

Do I have any readers out there? I have no idea. But I do have a question and would love to hear some answers. Under my bed and in all my drawers at home there are boxes of old cards I've received that I simply don't have the heart to throw away. Does anyone have any suggestions for card-hoarders (lovers....) like myself? Surely there has to be a way to organize these guys while still preserving their significance. Guess I'm the sentimental type....

Sincerely yours,


Under construction, but it's getting there!!

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