About Me

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Sewanee, TN
i'm a fan of: good books; a recipe that brings me home; a recipe that surprises me; a hike to a view; a hike to a cove; yoga that makes me feel like a rock star and an idiot at the same time; waking up to NPR; singing while driving; singing in the shower; dancing in the kitchen; watching thunderstorms roll in at home on the coast; nurturing my roots; learning new languages; seeing the world; making the conscious decision every day to be the happiest person I can be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

a few of my favorite things: friends

I'm truly at a loss of words to begin this post. All because I simply have the most wonderful friends ever.

Excuse me for a minute while I get "mushy."

What can I say? They're my soul-mates. Last weekend we were all reunited together (except for Becca, sadly) for the first time since graduation almost 2 years ago. Because one of us is getting married in August! *aaahhhh* *cue the girly screams and squeals*


The happy day Kabler became engaged!! April 2013

This year:

Celebrating our bachelorette! January 2014

We stayed on Wadmalaw Island outside of Charleston, where Lizzie was our gracious hostess. True to form, the coast was beautiful and the weather temperate. it was simply perfect for our reunion on Tacky Point Rd.

It was so wonderful to see each other and to catch up. We talked about jobs, grad schools, relationships, weddings; we drank a lot and played Cards Against Humanity and Head's Up. There was lots of laughter, and tears-- not a single emotion was missing. It was all so familiar. And that's why I love my friends from college, because even in the most transitional time of our lives, we're all still the same wonderful people, and that alone is lovable. Even when we all have our quirks.

So congratulations to our Kabler, for making the next big step in her relationship in her life. We never had any doubt that she and her Sewanee sweetheart, Mark, would end up together, so it's so fulfilling to watch them on their way to tie the knot!

We gave her homework ;)
Kabler, I wish I could be there for your big day; but I'll be thinking about you and Mark from across the pond! Cheers to the amazing life you will have together!

Now, excuse me, I'm going to go cry a little bit because I miss my sister-friends. And then I'll write a scrumptious post about a shrimp boil.

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